Sunday, November 7, 2010


This video shows the presidents from Latin America in a conference they had after Raul Reyes. it shows the presidents from Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. In this conference after 2 days they all had an agree and Colombia being the most involved in the different problems between the countries agreed to keep relations with Ecuador and Venezuela and to look for an agreement with Nicaragua.

Mono Jojoy

On September 22, 2010, Victor Julio Suarez Rojas alias Mono Jojoy was shot by the Colombian Armed Forces in an operation called “Operation Sodom” near the mountainous area of La Macarena.  Mono Jojoy was the FARC’s military commander and member of the secretariat of the guerrillas. The Colombian government described the operation as the strongest operation given to the insurgent group.  Colombian Vice president doesn’t discard the possibilities to dialogite with the FARC, he says “Mono Jojoy may contain valuable information, military, economic, and perhaps handling relations information from them (the FARC) to people or institutions”. He said the Colombian government will deal  in a very prudent and very professional way and that it is not going to accept any political shows showing wrong information after several investigations. 

New President

On August 7th 2010 Colombia elected Juan Manuel Santos as the new president, who shares the same political party as Uribe and similar ideals. 
For Chavez the news were not very pleasant because Santos was the defense minister of Colombia and because of him and the Military many good operations against the FARC. However, relationships between the two presidents have not had any conflicts yet since many diplomats affirm that ex president Uribe before leaving the power let Chavez know that there is clear evidence that he had supported the guerrillas.  

"One of my goals as President is to rebuild relations with Venezuela and Ecuador, to restore confidence and favor diplomacy ... and hopefully as soon as possible," said the new president of Colombia.